How would an old redneck to be treated by some guy "That guy is very senducação." Today what is right, express or write well? We live in a society where the basic principles of education are being replaced by self-interest, several concepts and methodology education are being lost due to various factors that discourages trait. The lack of commitment by the government and education professionals and the structure of the teaching unit, the lack of commitment to education by some educators whose values are only to enjoy the activity, and finally the students who every day feels more and more weakened with the practical teaching in Brazilian schools.
What we see today in the scenario of education, be it in all its sphere, is that the practice of teaching is a new adaptation is due to ruin the concept acquired its own teacher training. For Piaget the mechanism of adaptation to a new situation and, as such, implies the continued building of new structures, schemes incorporating the reality of the individual action or proceeding in which the individual becomes the means for satisfying their needs. For Paulo Freire one of the great educators of this country, education must have a full view of the student, and education with courage and daring in spite of the disrespect and devaluation of the work of teachers at all levels. But what we experience in our daily life is the opposite of reality, and cultural values are merging in a position of responsibility for wrong, for the educational activity is not limited to the particular case of formal education is not her privilege of the educator but the whole family, church, society, political and social groups.
Young high school and also in higher education during their studies make use of inadequate resources to get grades in subjects. Faced with a lame excuse of lack of time, give jobs to teachers and texts copied from the internet. But is the big mistake that the educator or student, as he says in the book Brida Paulo Coelho, "not everybody is wrong, even a broken clock is right twice a day." The reasons that lead students to make copies of works and present are numerous, and are related to their initial training through high school. Students are not prepared in relation to writing, they have difficulty in assimilating what they read in the text.
We specify ideas, ideas do not give up, we talk lessons, not debated or discussed. Theorize about the student, not working with him. Assign an order to which he adheres, but settles down. He did not offer real ways to think, because pocket the expressions we give simply the guard. Does not incorporate them because the merger is the result of searching for something that requires, in whom the attempt, effort and recreation demand. Requires reinvention (Freire, 2001, p. 104).
What relates the good teacher and good student is in the quality of teaching, where the dialogue is always present, creating a relationship of learning and high critical, engaging teachers and students in the construction of knowledge, where everyone teaches and everyone learns. The commitment to education is the essence of perfection and commitment with professional commitment is what makes the educator to live deeply into its educational practices in order to maintain the cohesion of their values and attitude. In this way we will create beings capable of thinking and not cheating, beings who can decide which future to establish a new society, where it is not a batch without leaven, manipulated by beings whose early hillbilly text says "senducação."
Senducação The term relates to how to talk redneck
Carlos Eduardo Silva Modolon
Degree in Business Administration
Graduate student in Environmental
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